Examples of Our Services

Our services include:

Measuring Impacts and Outcomes

Social Impact and Behavioural Insights:

Evidencing the impacts and costs of social interventions puts you in position to identify which programmes are beneficial and where a small change could make a huge difference.

We can work with you to compare and contrast the effectiveness of programmes, in relation to meeting policy objectives, causal linkage, customer experience, social impact, organisational risk, process design, locality impacts, partnership hand offs, programme cost and value for money.

Evaluation Reports:

Documented outcomes deliver enduring evidence of added value. We can support you to design and integrate evidence collection processes at the start of your project or evaluate retrospective projects for you.

Evaluation reports are valuable for demonstrating lessons learnt, supporting inspections and audits, measuring outcomes and for comparing and contrasting the impacts of different programmes.

Enhancing the Customer Experience and Increasing Efficiency

Customer Experience:

Building a customer centric organisation, improving customer relations, increasing loyalty and realising efficiencies is a journey.

We can work with you to define and/or implement your strategy; map the customer experience throughout the journey and across access channels, capture the voice of different customer segments, define customer experience performance indicators, baseline the current position and to ensure that capturing and reporting customer experience measures are integrated into business as usual.

Quantifying the customer experience helps organisations to move away from purely measuring silo departmental targets, towards measuring composite targets centred on the customer.

Customer Insight:

Knowing your customers and their preferences facilitates powerful visualisations that support you to acquire, understand, retain, and even delight them.

Geographic Area Profiling:

The ability to share and baseline composite views of people and place is a strategic three dimensional power tool.

We can provide composite views of geographical areas from a number of data sources. This enables the whole organisation to share a single view of a location or area and the impacts of their interactions on customers and other service providers.

Transaction Costing:

The cost of delivering services can vary. We can support you to find out where you are haemorrhaging time and money, where to focus service improvement resources and how to influence customer segments to interact with you cost efficiently.

Supporting People, Projects, and Organisations

Extra Pair of Hands Support:

Cloning yourself will help to squeeze more productivity out of your working day.

We provide extra pairs of hands and fresh pairs of eyes connected to highly experienced and professional brains to plug that temporary capacity gap or inject short term expertise to support you with:

... when you need it, our packages are affordable, secure, accessible and flexibly tailored to your needs.

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Working Effectively with Diversity:

Getting the best from others optimises potential. We support you with equality impact assessments through to demonstrating the impact of policy on different equality groups. We can also combine impact assessments, with area profiles to support cross partnership equalities impact assessments.

Click here to view one of our reports

We are here to help, get in touch for an informal discussion about your requirements.

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